Assistant Professor of Economics 

University of West Georgia

I earned a PhD in Economics from the University of Connecticut

My research interests lie at the intersection of applied microeconomics, development economics, and the economics of education with a particular focus on issues of gender and socioeconomic inequalities. 

My dissertation attempts to understand the causal relationship between human capital investment and non-labor market outcomes such as teenage fertility and marriage, civic participation, and risky sexual behaviors. The first chapter focuses on the impact of an increase in mandatory years of schooling in Turkey from five to eight years on teenage fertility and age at first marriage. The second chapter examines how exogenous increases in K-12 school spending affect civic engagement in the United States. The third chapter evaluates the effect of having an older sister versus an older brother on younger sister's risky sexual behavior and HIV knowledge in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Here is my CV

Here is my  Job Market Paper 


Email: erdal [dot] asker [at] uconn[dot] edu